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A Story of Love

Kenya Missions

The Dominican Sisters of the Most Holy Rosary of the Philippines have been serving in Loitokitok, Kenya, Africa since the 1980's. 

The two missions are:

  • St. Luke's Rehabilitation Center for orphaned and crippled children and young adults. Here, they are provided with the love and care and opportunities they need to be able to make their own way in the world.

  • Tuimana Center for women and children suffering from HIV.  Here, guests are treated with dignity and helped with medical and nutritional needs.

As the government does not provide any support for these most in need, the Dominican Sisters have been actively seeking the goodwill of others to help them support these very important missions.​


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Here, Sister Celia Marcelino, O.P. stands proudly with some of the children who did not have a chance in life until they came to St. Luke's.


Sister Esperanza Espino, O.P. shared that food was hard to come by especially for the stigmatized women and children of HIV. At Tuimana Center, they were provided with education as well as the subsistence they needed.  



Sister Elizabeth Jundos, O. P. shared the story of hearing that a medical team was going to provide free surgeries for crippled children. Excited, she gathered the children and they took the long journey to the city.

When they arrived to register however, the were asked about payment for the hospital fees. Sister and the children had no money. Sitting outside, one of the doctors overheard the disappointed children. The generous benefactor was able to take care of them all.

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